Category: LiveJournal

  • Best Birthday Present EVAR

    Yay! This is awesome. I know what I’m doing this afternoon!

  • Out of Doors

    In the mornings, after Calliope has eaten, we go around to the back yard. I suppose that, by definition, it can be called a yard. It’s a area of land “next to, surrounding, or surrounded by a building or buildings,” which “building(s)” could, I suppose, mean my house. It could also be defined as a…

  • School and Work and Hobbies, Oh My

    If you’re really working, trying, doing your best to spend about an hour every day, after work or school or whatever, to write… and you hold aspirations to be a “writer,” to maybe support yourself one day by your craft alone, does that make writing a hobby? Or is it something more? A passion? What…

  • Waking Up

    Getting out of bed at 7:15 is horrible, for the most part. The sun has a bleary and squashed look about it. Outside, there’s a fug to the neighborhood that doesn’t seem to go away until nine o’clock or so. In North Carolina, even morning in September (which is still considered summer by my standards……

  • In Time, I Will Collect the World…

    Mondays are good. I wake up, late if I want, but usually at or around 9, and I have three and a half hours before it’s time to go to Greensboro, for classes. I can read, catch up on homework, surf the web, and play with my doggy. This past Monday, I went out with…

  • Plans and Plans and Plans

    Today, more life occurred. It seemed to crawl by at a snail’s pace, but then I was driving home, listening to my iPod in the car, and looking forward to a relaxing evening alone. Natania and I spoke on my way home, and we’re going to the Apple Store tomorrow. I need a laptop PC…

  • School, School, and… School

    We slept in this morning, which was all right. I did my homework last night, and despite the fact that I knew I had a chem test today, I realized that I really didn’t need to do any studying. True, last night I was posting on how I’m trying to do more work and skipping…

  • All You Modern Day Troubadours Out There…

    (And I think I know who you are.) Here are 11 Tips to Surviving a Day Job With Your Creativity In Tact. I haven’t even read it yet, but I know it’s gotta be beneficial. Discuss?

  • Before You Cross the Street…

    I got back from Google about two weeks ago, and I think I’ll save that particular story for another day. It’s been awhile since then, and I’ve been extremely busy. Things haven’t really slowed down… but tonight was nice, quiet, and I spent it doing more or less whatever I wanted. Our friend Shawn was…

  • A Hitchhiker

    On Thursday, as I merged onto Interstate 40, I noticed that there was a little green fellow hitchhiking on the passenger-side mirror of the car. I’m fairly sure it was a Spissistilus festinus, or what the oldsters call a “Three-cornered Alfalfa Hopper.”As I was already accelerating toward the usual 80 mph that Triangle drivers find…