The Apple Store Forces Man to Jump Through Hoops

As a follow-up to my heartwarming tale of the $500 MacBook, I am sad to say that the online Apple Store has failed me.
I mentioned in that post that the MacBook was slated to arrive a few days after we left for vacation. So, as I hinted, I was toying with the idea of upgrading the shipping so I could have it in my hands before then, and take it with me to the beach. So I did this, with relative ease. I tried to cancel the order and just pick it up, in-store, but that would have nullified the iPod rebate.
So, this morning, I get a lovely little note in my inbox about how the drop date has been pushed back a week. The MacBook-That-Will-Be-Mine is now leaving Shanghai or wherever next Monday, the 17th, and won’t arrive ’til next Wednesday or Thursday.
Ugh. So, again, I called around, trying to figure out how the hell I can get my damned computer before we head out for a week. No dice. They’ll still trash the rebate if the notebook and iPod aren’t on the same ticket, and I found out today that the Apple Store at Southpoint Mall charges about $100 more for RAM upgrades than they do online (makes sense; they custom-built them in China, whereas they’ll have to pay the entire Genius Bar at the Apple Store here an actual living wage to install new RAM).
Anyway, I just called and changed the shipping address. The MacBook, disasters and hurricanes and the like not withstanding, will arrive on Topsail Island some time during vacation next week. I suppose that will do.


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