Category: Blogging

  • Cross-Posting from Movable Type to LiveJournal

    Natania told me the other day that some of our friends weren’t getting updates to my blog via their RSS readers, and I realized that it might be due to the fact that they’re still trying to follow my ancient LiveJournal. So I finally got off my ass and set up Movable Type to cross-post.…

  • Is Captcha’s Moment Passing? | Compiler from

    From Paul Adams’ article at Compiler: As long as processing power, et cetera, is finite, just slowing down the bots is helpful, even if we can’t block them altogether. But of course the bots will evolve, and so will the tests to stop them. There’s no ideal solution. Would you rather be deluged with spam,…

  • Sayonara, Kotaku

    I removed Kotaku from Google Reader this morning. When I opened up the MacBook to check my feeds, there were 156 items. After reading ’til 99 items, I realized that I had skipped every single Kotaku item present. And of the 57 items read, over half were Kotaku authored. I’m not a hardcore video gamer…